Sacrosanctum Concilium after Sixty Years

I’m honored and delighted to share that I will be giving a guest lecture for the Liturgy Association of Ireland, as part of their series commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. I will be speaking about the gains of the Council, its contested legacy, and what promise and challenges the Constitution holds for us at our present moment in history.

This online event will be held on March 13, 19:30 GMT. A limited number of spaces are available for non-members, which can be accessed through Eventbrite.

Rita Ferrone

Rita Ferrone is an award-winning writer and frequent speaker on issues of liturgy and church renewal in the Roman Catholic tradition. She is currently a contributing writer and columnist for Commonweal magazine and an independent scholar. The author of several books about liturgy, she is most widely known for her commentary on Sacrosanctum Concilium (Liturgy: Sacrosanctum Concilium, Paulist Press). Her most recent book, Pastoral Guide to Pope Francis’s Desiderio Desideravi, was published by Liturgical Press.




